SHINE SA, May 2019 We have recently updated our fact sheet on Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs). There has been a rise in popularity of period tracking and fertility tracking apps, used for ‘calendar-based’ fertility awareness methods. FAMs are methods where people become aware of the signs of fertility and learn to detect when they are most likely to become pregnant. These methods rely on the...
Reproductive coercion research – seeking GPs
The University of Melbourne, May 2019 Reproductive coercion (RC) is an under recognised form of abuse experienced by Australian women. RC refers to a group of behaviours that intend to control a woman with regards to reproduction. Contraceptive sabotage, pregnancy coercion and controlling the outcome of a pregnancy are all forms of RC and often occur alongside other forms of abuse in a...
Efficacy of Contraceptive Methods chart – new edition 2019
Family Planning Alliance Australia, 2019
How effective is each contraceptive method? This revised chart compares methods of contraception for their efficacy.
The figures have been derived by expert consensus using results from a variety of studies, selecting figures from studies which appear to be most comparable to Australian conditions.
Download chart (PDF) here
National abortion data vital to safe, accessible services
MJA InSight+, Issue 10 / 18 March 2019 EXPERTS are in the dark about the extent to which abortion is contributing to Australia’s historically low teenage birth rate, prompting renewed calls for the collection of national abortion data. In a Perspective published by the MJA, Professor Susan Sawyer, Chair of Adolescent Health at the University of Melbourne, and Dr Jennifer Marino, research fellow...
Clinical Education Forum Recording: Contraception Update
SHINE SA, November 2018 Clinicians: SHINE SA is pleased to present the following Clinical Forum by Dr Amy Moten on the topic of Contraception. This recording is available free of charge, and access is limited to three months only. This forum covers emergency contraception and new formulations of the Pill. 3 Category 2 RACGP Points can be awarded on completion of the forum. Recording length: 1...
Almost one-third of unplanned pregnancies end in abortion
Med J Aust , Published online: 7 October 2018 ONE in four women who responded to a national telephone survey reported falling pregnant in the past 10 years without planning to do so, and 30.4% of those pregnancies ended in abortion, according to the authors of a research letter published online today by the Medical Journal of Australia. Ten years after the only other national household survey on...