
Can diet improve the symptoms of endometriosis?


The Conversation, February 19, 2018 6.14am AEDT By Elisabeth Gasparini, Manager of Nutrition and Food Services, The Royal Women’s Hospital Current treatments for endometriosis, such as surgery and contraceptive pills, can be invasive or cause unpleasant side effects. So, the internet is awash with advice for alternative treatments, including acupuncture and dietary changes. Some women claim...

ABC Health Report on: Endometriosis


ABC Radio National, Monday 10 November 2014 5:50PM Endometriosis is a common medical condition, affecting one in ten Australian women. Sufferers describe the pain as otherworldly – as if they are being torn up from their insides. Yet the treatment options available in Australia are minimal. This is the story of a tenacious mother-daughter team who fought tooth and nail, via Twitter and...

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