
Preventing sexual violence against young women from African backgrounds


Prof. Donna Chung, Prof. Colleen Fisher, Dr. Carole Zufferey & Dr. Ravi K Thiara Australian Institute of Criminology Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice No. 540, June 2018 This study explored how young women from African refugee and migrant backgrounds understand and experience sexual coercion and violence. Data was gathered from young women from African backgrounds and a wide...

Startling Data Reveals Half of LGBTQ Employees in the U.S. Remain Closeted at Work


Human Rights Campaign, June 25, 2018 The HRC Foundation released the results of a survey of employees across the USA, revealing the persistent daily challenges that have led nearly half of LGBTQ people to remain closeted at their workplaces — a rate largely unchanged over the past decade.  A Workplace Divided: Understanding the Climate for LGBTQ Workers Nationwide, HRC’s third national...

Employment opportunity: SAMESH team leader, Adelaide


SAMESH, January 2018 SAMESH is a partnership between SHINE SA and the Victorian AIDS Council (VAC). This partnership offers a uniquely innovative approach to HIV/STI prevention for priority populations in South Australia. It combines the expertise of local knowledge and networks of SA’s peak sexual health organisation with the HIV-specific experience and community-led expertise and credibility of...

Healthcare workers living with HIV have different motivations for disclosing/concealing their status


nam/aidsmap, 10 November 2017 Nurses and other healthcare workers who are living with HIV have mixed reactions when they mention their HIV status to colleagues, according to a small Dutch study reported in the November/December issue of the Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care.  Some healthcare workers disclosed because they expected a positive reaction or they felt the need to share...

One in four people say those in same-sex relationships ‘should be charged as criminals’


The Guardian, 1st November 2017 More than one in four people across the world think people engaging in same-sex relationships should be charged as criminals, according to a new survey of 77 countries and territories. However, there were major divisions in attitudes towards the criminalisation of those engaging in same-sex relationships when broken down across regions, the 2017 Ilga-Riwi global...

Release of the results of the 2015 -16 Rainbow Survey


Department for Communities and Social Inclusion  (SA), August 25, 2017 Today Department for Communities and Social Inclusion has released the results of the 2015-16 Rainbow Survey. The Rainbow Survey is the South Australian government’s general survey of the lives, opinions and experiences of LGBTIQ South Australians. The 2015-16 survey is the second Rainbow Survey, providing further insight and...

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