
Actions to support Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Gender Diverse, and Intersex elders


Australian Department of Health, February 2019 We know that LGBTI older people and elders are likely to have experienced violence, stigma and discrimination throughout their lives. As a result, they may be reluctant to disclose their identities or histories to aged care services and therefore remain isolated or invisible within both the aged care sector and the broader community. Combined with...

It’s hard to think about, but frail older women in nursing homes get sexually abused too


The Conversation, November 22, 2018 6.02am AEDT We don’t often think of older women being victims of sexual assault, but such assaults occur in many settings and circumstances, including in nursing homes. Our research, published this week in the journal Legal Medicine, analysed 28 forensic medical examinations of female nursing home residents who had allegedly been victims of sexual assault in...

Factors associated with testing for HIV in people aged ≥50 years


BMC Public Health 2018 18:1204 Published: 26 October 2018 Factors associated with testing for HIV in people aged ≥50 years: a qualitative study Abstract Background Despite a decline in the number of new HIV infections in the UK overall, the number and proportion of new HIV diagnoses in people aged ≥50 years continues to increase. People aged ≥50 years are disproportionately affected by late...

Connecting country: busting myths about Indigenous Australians (podcast)


Diversity Council of Australia, 2 Oct 2018 This 20-minute episode doesn’t just feature a beautiful Welcome to Country, but also attempts to connect Country by exploring the cultural and professional gaps that exist for Indigenous Australians at work and asking: where do these issues come from? Why do they persist? And what can we do to finally close the gap? Helping answer these questions...

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