
HIV Programs for Sex Workers: Lessons & Challenges for Developing & Delivering Programs


PLOS Medicine, Published: June 16, 2015 There is evidence that HIV prevention programs for sex workers, especially female sex workers, are cost-effective in several contexts, including many western countries, Thailand, India, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, and Zimbabwe. Quote: “Studies of sources of new infections and HIV transmission dynamics suggest that sex work contributes...

The health & welfare of Australia’s Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples, 2015


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 9 June 2015 The AIHW has released a new report today. The health and welfare of Australias Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples 2015 is the eighth in a series of reports that provide a comprehensive statistical picture of a range of topics considered important for improving the health and wellbeing of Indigenous people. The report presents up...

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