
2016 Aboriginal Surveillance Report of HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs


Kirby Institute, UNSW, November 2016 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to experience a disproportionate burden of disease. HIV notification rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men have doubled over the past five years and rates of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and infectious syphilis are 3, 10 and 6 times greater than the non–Indigenous population in 2015, with even...

Improving Cultural Understanding & Engagement with People from ATSI Communities


Improving Cultural Understanding and Engagement with people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities: Practical learnings to improve your practice (Webinar) 1800RESPECT , October 2016 The details When: Thursday, December 1, 2016 What Time: 01:00 PM AEDT Duration: 45 minutes Where: Online – wherever you like! Presenter: Craig Ridney CEO of Kornar Winmil Yunti (KWY) Cost: Free...

An atlas of six South Australian communities: Mapping the influences on community wellbeing


DSCI & SA Health, 2016 An atlas of six South Australian communities: Mapping the influences on community wellbeing was produced for the South Australian Department for Communities and Social Inclusion (DCSI) and the Department for Health and Ageing (SA Health). Over the last three decades, numerous reports and studies have highlighted substantial variations in the wellbeing across the South...

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