
Can hepatitis C be transmitted to a foetus?


Medical News Today,  Medically reviewed by Carolyn Kay M.D. & Written by Zia Sherrell MPH, May 13, 2021 The hepatitis C virus (HCV) can transmit to a fetus during pregnancy, but the risk of this happening is low. And if the transmission occurs, the baby’s immune system may clear the virus on its own. If the baby’s immune system does not clear the virus, there are safe and effective treatments...

Agenda 2025: Ending HIV transmission in Australia in four years


Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO), 17th June 2021 Agenda 2025 is a fully costed plan which draws upon evidence based research and is backed by top researchers, leaders, and clinicians in Australia’s community-led HIV response.  Australia can end HIV transmission within four short years, averting over 6,000 infections by 2030 and saving $1.4 billion in health costs, according to a...

The Gaps Project Report: HIV transmission amongst GBMSM in Australia


Identifying gaps in achieving the elimination of HIV transmission among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Australia: The Gaps Project Report Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, 2020 This report identifies gaps on the pathway in achieving the elimination of HIV transmission among GBMSM in Australia, through collating and analysing surveillance and behavioural data collected from...

Women Living With HIV Require Better Mental Health Diagnostics and Interventions


Infectious Disease Advisor, April 9, 2021 Mental health conditions affect women living with HIV (WLWH) at substantially higher rates compared with men living with HIV (MLWH) and HIV-negative women. However, treatment regimens and research literature related to mental health do not reflect the proportion of affected WLWH. In a narrative review published online in the January 2021 issue of...

Economic evaluation of alternative testing regimes and settings to detect undiagnosed HIV in Australia


Williams, O.D., Dean, J.A., Crothers, A. et al. Economic evaluation of alternative testing regimes and settings to detect undiagnosed HIV in Australia.  BMC Health Serv Res 21, 30 (2021) Background: The study aimed to estimate the comparative costs per positive diagnosis of previously undetected HIV in three testing regimes: conventional; parallel and point of care (POC) testing. The regimes are...

Results of the GOANNA Survey 2


YoungDeadlyFree, 2020 Here are the results for the latest Australia-wide sexual health survey of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, The GOANNA Survey 2. The survey included more than 1300 participants aged 16-29 years from urban, regional and remote parts of mainland Australia and was led by Professor James Ward of the University of Queensland (formerly of SAHMRI). Questions...

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