Infectious Disease Advisor, April 9, 2021 Mental health conditions affect women living with HIV (WLWH) at substantially higher rates compared with men living with HIV (MLWH) and HIV-negative women. However, treatment regimens and research literature related to mental health do not reflect the proportion of affected WLWH. In a narrative review published online in the January 2021 issue of...
Private Lives 3: Australia’s largest national survey of health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people released
Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society (ARCSHS) at La Trobe University, Friday 13th November 2020 Australia’s largest national survey of health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people reveals that most feel accepted at work and by family, but more work needs to be done to improve health outcomes. The Private Lives 3 National Report was conducted by researchers at the Australian Research...
Australian Burden of Disease Study: Illicit Drug Use, Intimate Partner Violence, Unsafe Sex
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Last updated: 06 Aug 2020 Burden of disease is a measure of the years of healthy life lost from living with, or dying from disease and injury. A portion of this burden is preventable, being due to modifiable risk factors. This report provides information on the deaths and burden of disease due to risk factors included in the Australian Burden of...
Hormones are not the key to younger women’s sexual function
Monash University, 22 July 2020 A Monash University study into the causes of sexual dysfunction in young women has found social factors play just as important a role as hormone levels, and hormone therapy should not be prescribed as the only treatment. The study uncovered that while hormones, including androgens like testosterone, play a role, the things that matter more are whether a woman has...
Call for study participants: Image Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA) and its impact on LGBTQ individuals
University of Birmingham, May 2020 Image Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA) and the impact this has on the well-being of LGBTQ individuals This PhD study aims to explore LGBTQ individuals’ experiences of Image Based Sexual Abuse (also known as revenge pornography) on their mental health and well-being. The study is also interested in how much health and well-being organisations understand about IBSA and...
Porn use is up, thanks to the pandemic
The Conversation, 8th April 2020 Not all businesses are experiencing a downturn. The world’s largest pornography website, Pornhub, has reported large increases in traffic. In many regions, these spikes in use have occurred immediately after social distancing measures have been implemented. Why are people viewing more pornography? I’m a professor of clinical psychology who researches pornography...