Hepatitis NSW, July 2022 Poster presentations have become a major feature of the Australian Viral Hepatitis conference landscape over the last several years. In that time, Hepatitis NSW has produced many detailed posters to inform delegates from across the country about our work and projects. But why should conference delegates have all the fun? To make these documents available to everyone we...
Australian LGBTIQA+ Policy Guide
The Equality Project, August 2021 The Australian LGBTIQA+ Policy Guide is a high-level overview of the most prominent needs experienced broadly throughout Australian LGBTIQA+ communities. The Equality Project developed the guide to ensure that lesbian, gay, bi+, trans, gender diverse, non-binary, intersex, queer, asexual people and their families experience genuine inclusion and the realisation...
COVID-19 and viral hepatitis FAQs in English, Korean, Chinese
Hepatitis NSW, May 2020 Since the COVID-19 virus is so new and can be life threatening, there are many unknown factors at play. This is even more so for people with pre-existing health conditions to consider. To help address those concerns and to answer the frequently asked questions, Hepatitis NSW has now compiled a number of online resources. All pages are based on the most up to date...
New COVID Taskforce website from ASHM
ASHM, UPDATED ON: 14 April 2020 ASHM’s Taskforce on BBVs, Sexual Health and COVID-19 was established on 20 March 2020. It provides a timely opportunity for the BBV and sexual health sectors to discuss the scientific, clinical, BBV and sexual health service delivery and social implications of COVID-19, and provides consistent and evidence-based messaging to the health workforce, sector partners...
Nurse Practitioner (s100) Prescribing Change
Hepatitis Australia, 3 April 2020 Hepatitis Australia warmly welcomes recent changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) allowing authorised Nurse Practitioners to prescribe hepatitis B and hepatitis C medicines under the Highly Specialised Drugs (s100) Program. Both hepatitis B and hepatitis C are under-treated and without improvement in a range of areas Australia risks falling short of...
Gaps And Policy Barriers To Engagement With The HIV Cascade Of Care
Identifying and Plugging the Leaks: Gaps And Policy Barriers To Engagement With The HIV Cascade Of Care CTAC (Canadian Treatment Action Council), 2018 This project explored what issues impact engagement by people living with HIV with healthcare in Ontario. The goal was to identify policy issues that impact treatment access for people living with HIV, and to identify opportunities to make the...