
It’s not just the mechanics … children need lessons in life and love


The Guardian, Sunday 5 March 2017 11.05 AEDT The radical overhaul of sex and relationships education (SRE) announced by the [UK] government last week is very good news. Children will learn about healthy adult relationships from the age of four and sex education will become compulsory in all secondary schools. So, good news – but also long overdue, given the challenges faced by the young. Read...

Sex education worldwide is not relevant to students’ lives, says report


Guardian, 13 September 2016 Sex education in schools worldwide is so “out of touch” with pupils’ experiences that they find it irrelevant and switch off, research of young people in 10 countries (including Australia) shows. Many students find lessons about sex and relationships negative, moralistic and too scientific to help them deal with the feelings and situations they are encountering...

Let’s talk about sex: why do we need good sex education? – podcast transcript


The Guardian, Wednesday 15 June 2016 18.00 AEST There are 1.8 billion people aged 10 to 24 today, but how many of those are getting comprehensive sexuality education? And why, in 2016, are there still so many taboos around sex? Liz Ford discusses what young people should be taught, when sex education should start and asks, what does comprehensive sexuality education actually mean? She visits the...

New website to help teachers talk sex and gender with students


Educators NZ, September 23, 2015 RainbowYOUTH has launched a new website aimed to increase understanding and support of sex, gender and sexuality diversity within year 7-13 classrooms in New Zealand. The website, Inside Out, contains free teaching resources, class guidelines and video content designed to ignite conversations. The resource has been produced in a partnership between RainbowYOUTH...

The case for starting sex education in kindergarten


PBS Newshour, May 27, 2015 at 1:44 PM EDT Welcome to “Spring Fever” week in primary schools across the Netherlands, the week of focused sex ed classes … for 4-year olds. Of course, it’s not just for 4-year-olds. Eight-year-olds learn about self-image and gender stereotypes. 11-year-olds discuss sexual orientation and contraceptive options. But in the Netherlands, the approach, known as...

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