Rainbow Rights Toolkit: Overcoming discrimination • Housing • Health • Plan ahead


COTA SA, June 2024 Rainbow rights are human rights, and this toolkit identifies how older LGBTI+ community members can understand and action their rights, as well as providing information to the people who are part of their choices, supports and care. COTA SA has partnered with the South Australian Government’s Office for Ageing Well to develop this resource and build awareness of state...

Rainbow Horizons: Don’t leave me this way (Inclusive end of life care and planning)


COTA SA Rainbow Hub, June 2023 Rainbow Horizons: Don’t leave me this way –fostering intergenerational compassionate communities to support LGBTI+ people’s end of life is a project report which reveals the unique challenges older LGBTI+ people may face, and advocates for stronger intergenerational links and for providers to ensure a more inclusive approach to end of life experiences for older...

Rainbow Memories workshop this Saturday 20th March


COTA SA, History Trust of South Australia, SAMESH & Feast Festival, March 2021 Join us to capture stories and mementoes from our LGBTI history. Think of up to 10 items (photos, flyers, sports trophies, banners, posters etc) you would like digitised or photographed, and about the stories that go with them. There will be people who will scan and photograph; scribes to help with writing your...

LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Report released (SA)


COTA SA & South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA), July 2018 The LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Project commenced in April 2017 as a 12-month joint project between COTA SA and the South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA). The main aim of the project was to engage with older people from South Australia’s LGBTIQ communities to find out what matters most to them as they age to...

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