
Early medical abortion: reflections on current practice


O&G Magazine (RANZCOG), by Dr Lisa Rasmussen In the last 30 years, medical abortion has globally become an established, safe and straightforward method for pregnancies of less than nine weeks gestation. It is now recommended by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists as the method of choice for women up to nine weeks gestation. The reality of providing medical abortion for...

Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice


Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Bangkok: July 2019 The resource “Blueprint for  Sexual and Reproductive  Health, Rights, and Justice” has just been released by Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and endorsed by multiple international organisations.  While it focuses on US policy environ, it is more broadly applicable: in...

SHINE SA and FPAA condemn Alabama law to ban abortions (media release)


SHINE SA , Posted on May 23, 2019 On 17 May 2019, Family Planning Alliance Australia (FPAA) released a statement condemning a new law in Alabama which makes abortion a crime in almost all cases. This is the most restrictive abortion law in the United States and follows a wave of anti-abortion laws in 2019¹. FPAA state: “The restrictive and extreme abortion ban violates women’s reproductive rights...

Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of existing needle and syringe programmes in preventing hepatitis C transmission in PWID


Drug and Alcohol Findings (UK), 2019 What would happen to rates of infection with hepatitis C if we closed down all the needle exchanges? Research has established that needle/syringe programmes are a cost-effective way to reduce spread of HIV, but just two studies have considered the same issue in relation to hepatitis C. In three UK municipalities, the answers were predicted to be more...

Australia will never be HIV-free if access to prevention requires a medicare card


The Conversation, January 23, 2019 12.21pm AEDT by Nicholas Medland, Sexual health physician and senior researcher, UNSW Australia aims to “virtually eliminate” HIV transmission by 2022, according to the health minister’s new national HIV strategy. This ambitious goal has been made possible by biomedical HIV prevention, a new and highly effective way of preventing HIV using medications. But new...

Support for ending and managing HIV


Australian Government Department of Health, 29 November 2018 The Australian Government is strengthening its commitment to ending HIV with the announcement of funding for a new strategy that aims to virtually eliminate the transmission of HIV, the approval of the first HIV self-testing kit and the listing of a new medicine on the PBS. The first HIV self-testing kit, the Atomo Self Test was...

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