
When Love Hurts: Domestic Violence Through the Lens of LGBTIQ+ Relationships


Diversity Council Australia (DCA), 21 Oct 2019 Power and control drive all domestic violence cases. But how does intimate partner violence play out in same sex and LGBTIQ+ relationships? What differences are there, and how do we recognise and put safety strategies in place to support them? The Art of Inclusion* is DCA’s own podcast, peering into the lives of fascinating people, whose...

Hidden Forces: Shining a light on Reproductive Coercion (White Paper)


Marie Stopes Australia, 2018 Reproductive Coercion (RC) is behaviour that interferes with the autonomy of a person to make decisions about their reproductive health. Many Australians do not have full control over their reproductive choices. Their choices are constrained by people in their familial and community networks or by structural forces at play in our society. Reproductive Coercion is...

Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Men’s Attitudes and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault


Sorting it out: Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Men’s Attitudes and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Sexualities and Genders Research (SaGR), Western Sydney University & ACON, May 2019 This research on Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer (GBTIQ) men’s attitudes and experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual assault (SA) was...

Let’s make it mandatory to teach respectful relationships in every Australian school


The Conversation, May 28, 2019 5.45am AEST Media reports of findings from the latest National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey caused a stir in recent days, with some highlighting the importance of education programs to teach young people about gender-based violence. Schools play a significant role in educating young people about gender-based violence and helping change...

Reproductive coercion research – seeking GPs


The University of Melbourne, May 2019 Reproductive coercion (RC) is an under recognised form of abuse experienced by Australian women. RC refers to a group of behaviours that intend to control a woman with regards to reproduction. Contraceptive sabotage, pregnancy coercion and controlling the outcome of a pregnancy are all forms of RC and often occur alongside other forms of abuse in a...

People with disability are more likely to be victims of crime – here’s why


The Conversation, February 22, 2019 6.06am AEDT Some of our most vulnerable citizens have been beaten, raped, and even killed at the hands of those supposedly caring for them. The statistics are alarming. Up to 90% of women with disability have been sexually assaulted. And people with disability are three times as likely to die prematurely than the general population from causes that could have...

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