Tagcondomless sex

Gay men having chemsex are five times more likely to have a new HIV diagnosis than other gay men


aidsmap/nam,  23 May 2018 Gay and bisexual men who reported engaging in chemsex (the use of specific drugs to enhance or facilitate sex) were five times more likely to be newly diagnosed with HIV, nine times more likely to be diagnosed with hepatitis C and four times more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection during a 13-month follow-up period, according to London data...

Intercourse, age of initiation and contraception among adolescents in Ireland


BMC Public Health 2018 18:362  Abstract Background The need to tackle sexual health problems and promote positive sexual health has been acknowledged in Irish health policy. Young people’s sexual behaviour however remains under-researched with limited national data available. Methods This study presents the first nationally representative and internationally comparable data on young people’s...

Syphilis jumps to WA: doctors say ‘complacent’ safe sex attitudes to blame


ABC News, 17/03/2018 Some sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise in Western Australia, with Aboriginal communities in the north hit particularly hard by a syphilis outbreak. Australian Medical Association president Omar Khorshid said Aboriginal people in the north had been failed. “It’s really sad that we’ve actually had and outbreak of syphilis that started in north...

Changing attitudes to and engagement with biomedical HIV prevention by gay and bisexual men


Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW, 2017 The latest findings from the PrEPARE Project have now been published. The  PrEPARE Project is a longitudinal study of Australian gay and bisexual men’s attitudes to biomedical HIV prevention, particularly PrEP and treatment as prevention (TasP). With the unprecedented scaling up of PrEP access in many states over the last few years, we have...

Baby boomers re-entering dating game more vulnerable to STIs


PM, ABC radio, 18/01/2018 Family Planning New South Wales surveyed 2,339 heterosexual men who were using an online dating service in 2014. The survey found men aged 50 or older were less likely to use condoms and more likely than younger men to think that condoms reduced sexual interest. The survey also found 49 per cent of men over 60 did not know that Australia’s most prevalent sexually...

Chemsex: film screening and panel discussion


SAMESH, November 2017 Chemsex is a documentary that exposes the other side to modern gay life, telling the story of gay men struggling to make it out of ‘the scene’ alive. This powerful and unflinching film followers a group of men battling with HIV, drug addiction, and finding acceptance in a changing world. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film with an...

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