
Contraception for women with epilepsy: counselling, choices, and concerns


Open Access Journal of Contraception, 19 April 2016 Volume 2016:7 Pages 69—76 Arne Reimers, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, St Olavs University Hospital, and Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children’s and Women’s Health, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway Abstract: Approximately 50% of all pregnancies in women with epilepsy (WWE)...

HIV-related factors increase risk of stroke


nam/aidsmap, produced in collaboration with hivandhepatitis.com, 15 March 2016 HIV-related risk factors seem to increase the risk of stroke – the sudden death of brain cells due to a rupture or obstruction of blood vessels in the brain – according to ongoing research in a growing number of large epidemiological cohort studies. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors for stroke, HIV...

Science & Health Scabies Research Breakthrough Will Help Remote Indigenous Australian Communities


Gizmodo, 15/2/16 Australian researchers have used cutting-edge genome technologies to reveal the genetic makeup of a widespread skin parasite causing serious health problems in Aboriginal communities. The research team identified the genetic ‘map’ of the human parasitic scabies mite, accelerating research that could lead to new ways of preventing and treating scabies infestations and prevent...

One in five women giving birth in Australia are 35 or over, data shows


Guardian Australia, Monday 14 December 2015 15.36 AEDT More than one in five women giving birth in Australia are now aged 35 or over, the latest official figures show. The latest birth data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows the proportion of mothers aged 35 and older who gave birth increased by four percentage points to 22% in the decade to 2013. Women who gave birth aged...

e-learning package on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for health profesionals


Women and Newborn Health Service, North Metropolitan Area Health Service, WA Health Dept, revised 2013 This e-learning package was developed to assist health professionals to update their knowledge of female genital mutilation. It is recommended that all health professionals working with families and babies complete this package. Reading of all included links and activities, the package will take...

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