Tagcommunity services

SHINE SA a signatory to the South Australian joint statement against the Religious Discrimination Bill


February 27th, 2020 We the undersigned represent a range of researchers, community service organisations and advocacy groups that support communities throughout South Australia. We are united in our concerns about the draft Religious Discrimination Bill and its potential to cause harm to the communities we serve. We respect the diversity of Australia and celebrate the multitude of beliefs...

Upcoming National Day of Women Living with HIV Morning Tea in Adelaide


SAMESH, 15/02/2019 The National Day of Women Living with HIV in Australia was created as an annual event by Femfatales, the National Network of Women Living with HIV at NAPWHA (the National Association of People with HIV Australia), with the idea to situate it after International Women’s Day to promote a greater awareness around HIV and the needs of women living with HIV in Australia. Join us for...

LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Report released (SA)


COTA SA & South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA), July 2018 The LGBTIQ People Ageing Well Project commenced in April 2017 as a 12-month joint project between COTA SA and the South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA). The main aim of the project was to engage with older people from South Australia’s LGBTIQ communities to find out what matters most to them as they age to...

Indigenous Risk Impact Screen Training – Upcoming Dates


Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA), August 2018 DASSA’s Aboriginal Workforce Development team would like to invite you to attend the 2-day Indigenous Risk Impact Screen training workshop. The Indigenous Risk Impact Screen is a validated culturally appropriate and widely used tool for screening substance use and mental disorders in Aboriginal clients. It has been developed in...

Job vacancy: SAMESH Health Promotion Officer


Thorne Harbour Health / SHINE SA, August 2018 You are a highly motivated leader who is passionate about, and experienced in working to improve the sexual health and wellbeing of LGBTI communities. You’re a collaborative team player who is focused and outcome oriented. The South Australia Mobilisation and Empowerment for Sexual Health (SAMESH) program delivers a range of health promotion...

HIV rapid testing in community and outreach sites: results of a demonstration project in Italy


BMC Public Health 2018 18:748 Published: 18 June 2018mob Abstract Background Globally the access to HIV testing has greatly increased over the past 30 years. Nonetheless, a high proportion of people living with HIV remains undiagnosed, even in resource rich countries. To increase the proportion of people aware of their HIV serostatus and their access to medical care, several strategies have been...

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