Tagcommunity consultation

The Ban on ‘Amyl’


Thorne Harbour Health, 17 Jan 2019 Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently postponed its decision on whether or not to change the law around alkyl nitrites (the active ingredient in ‘amyl’ or ‘poppers’). Currently, the TGA is conducting public consultations into the proposed amendments that could see amyl recategorised as a ‘prohibited...

Launching the Australian Trans and Gender Diverse Sexual Health Survey


 Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney, November 5 2018 Virtually nothing is known about the sexual lives of trans and gender diverse people living in Australia. A new survey coordinated by the Kirby Institute at UNSW Sydney in collaboration with community advocates from across Australia will provide the first national data on topics related to sex and romance among Australia’s trans and gender diverse...

Needs analysis survey for People Living With HIV in SA


Positive Life SA & SAMESH, October 2018 We are undertaking a community needs assessment to guide the work of this organisation and the wider HIV sector in South Australia. We want to give people living with HIV in South Australia an opportunity to have a say in our future and help to shape HIV services. This online survey is an important part of this process. It will also help to guide closer...

New clinic posters for download from Young Deadly Free


Young Deadly Free, October 2018 The team at Young Deadly Free have been busy creating new posters with Aboriginal communities across Australia. The posters aim to get their key messages out to young people and others in a fresh, engaging way. All of our posters highlight positive messages from people living and working in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities about the importance of...

Connecting country: busting myths about Indigenous Australians (podcast)


Diversity Council of Australia, 2 Oct 2018 This 20-minute episode doesn’t just feature a beautiful Welcome to Country, but also attempts to connect Country by exploring the cultural and professional gaps that exist for Indigenous Australians at work and asking: where do these issues come from? Why do they persist? And what can we do to finally close the gap? Helping answer these questions...

Survey for Women living with HIV


napwha, femfatales, Relationships Australia South Australia, September 2018 WOMEN’S EXPERIENCE OF LIVING WITH HIV AND AGEING This survey is the result of a collaboration between MOSAIC, NAPWHA and Femfatales. They encourage all women living with HIV, regardless of age, to be motivated to consider their health, to reflect on living with HIV, and to complete this survey so that their voices may be...

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