nam/aidsmap, published: 14 March 2017 People with HIV often show persistent signs of cognitive impairment and abnormalities in brain structure despite suppressive antiretroviral therapy (ART), but they do not appear to experience accelerated decline compared to HIV-negative people as they age, according to research presented at the 2017 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic...
Treating HIV Immediately May Protect Against Cognitive Decline
POZ Treatment News, January 29, 2016
Individuals who start HIV treatment very soon after contracting the virus may be at lesser risk of later developing cognitive decline than other HIV-positive individuals.
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To read the study abstract, click here.
Consent issues: US politician on trial for sex with wife with Alzheimer’s
The Age, April 8, 2015 – 7:35AM
After a four-year battle with Alzheimer’s, Donna Lou Rayhons died in a nursing home in August, just four days shy of her 79th birthday. A week later, Henry Rayhons was arrested and charged with sexual abuse. State prosecutors accused him of having sex with his wife while she was incapacitated by dementia.
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Two new offences created in South Australia to help avoid sexual exploitation of disabled people
ABC News, 30/3/15
Two new laws in South Australia aim to offer better protection from sexual exploitation for people with an intellectual disability.
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