World Health Organization, 2017 Sexual health and reproductive health are closely linked, but crucial aspects of sexual health can be overlooked when grouped under or together with the domain of reproductive health. In order to create broader awareness of comprehensive sexual health interventions and to ensure that sexual health and reproductive health both receive full attention in programming...
Women with disabilities: publications
Women with Disabilities ACT, updated 2019 On this page you can find all of Women with Disabilities ACT’s major submissions to government, research reports and policy statements. Accessible versions have been provided where possible. Some relevant documents on the page include: Contraception, Consent, Respectful Relationships & Sexuality, May 2019 [pdf] [docx] WWDACT Submission to the...
Women and Sexual and Reproductive Health Position Paper: Second Edition, 2019
Australian Women’s Health Network Inc., 2019 The Australian Women’s Health Network first published its Women and Sexual and Reproductive Health Position Paper in 2012. Since then significant work has been undertaken across Australia in this area and a number of its recommendations have been implemented. This has resulted in a robust on going public conversation and a greater understanding of...
National abortion data vital to safe, accessible services
MJA InSight+, Issue 10 / 18 March 2019 EXPERTS are in the dark about the extent to which abortion is contributing to Australia’s historically low teenage birth rate, prompting renewed calls for the collection of national abortion data. In a Perspective published by the MJA, Professor Susan Sawyer, Chair of Adolescent Health at the University of Melbourne, and Dr Jennifer Marino, research fellow...
Almost one-third of unplanned pregnancies end in abortion
Med J Aust , Published online: 7 October 2018 ONE in four women who responded to a national telephone survey reported falling pregnant in the past 10 years without planning to do so, and 30.4% of those pregnancies ended in abortion, according to the authors of a research letter published online today by the Medical Journal of Australia. Ten years after the only other national household survey on...
Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status, 2017
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, Last updated: 15 June 2018 The Overview of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health status aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent indicators of the health and current health status of Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The initial sections of the Overview provide information about the context of Aboriginal and...