Tagchild sexual abuse

Young Parents’ Fight To Keep Baby Aria Reignites Debate Over Teenage Parents


The Conversation, 19/04/2017 10:04 AM AEST | Updated 20/04/2017 10:53 AM AEST Two New South Wales teenagers’ fight to get their baby daughter back has reignited debate over teenage pregnancy, and how young is too young to care for a child. While experts may agree that teen pregnancies are less than ideal, there is disagreement about what should happen in the case of the young couple —...

New digital resource on revenge po*rn & cyberbullying in SA


The Law Society, 2 November 2016 The Law Society and University of Adelaide have launched a new digital cyberbullying resource which deals with new revenge porn laws that came into force in SA on Friday. A cyberbullying section has been added to the app Out of Bounds (previously called The Naked Truth), which also explains the laws surrounding unlawful sexual intercourse and sexting. The new...

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