nam/aidsmap, 14 April 2022 Perceived irrelevance, lack of awareness, problems with access, side effects, negative social impacts, and concerns about lack of STI protection, effectiveness and adherence are the most common reasons for not using PrEP among gay and bisexual men in Australia. This is according to a study recently published in the journal Behavioral Medicine which analysed reasons for...
Chemsex questions: what are we actually asking?
Crozier Brendan, Sayer Nathan, Varma Rick (2022) Chemsex questions: what are we actually asking?. Sexual Health 19, 76-78. Abstract: Among men who have sex with men (MSM), sexualised drug use (SDU) is related to high risk sexual behaviour and a higher chance of contracting STIs. Chemsex, a subset of SDU, has a particularly high risk factor for STIs. We describe the implementation of a new...
Men who have Sex with Men and Chemsex: A Clinic-Based Cross-sectional Study in South Australia
Khaw, C., Zablotska-Manos, I. & Boyd, M.A. Sex Res Soc Policy (2020). Abstract: Background Chemsex, the intentional combining of sex with the use of particular psychoactive substances typically crystal methamphetamine, gamma-hydroxybutyrate(GHB)/gamma butyrolactone(GBL), mephedrone, and ketamine has been reported among men who have sex with men (MSM). Chemsex is more common among MSM than in...
Digital chemsex support and care: The potential of just-in-time adaptive interventions
International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 85, November 2020 T. Platteau, C. Herrijgers, J. de Wit Abstract Chemsex among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) has received increasing attention as a public health concern in recent years. Chemsex can affect a variety of aspects of the lives of GBMSM and contribute to physical, social and emotional health burden. Starting from...
Free Online Recordings for Health Professionals: Andrology and Sexual Health
SHINE SA, January 2020 SHINE SA have made select online recordings available from our Andrology and Sexual Health Update Day event in 2019. These recordings will be beneficial to health professionals looking to brush up on their knowledge of andrology and sexual health. The online recordings available cover topics including sexual dysfunction, pelvic pain, PrEP and PEP, chemsex, androgen...
Crystal Clear: Forum & Podcast Launch
SAMESH, 25/11/2019 Join our panel of researchers, health care workers, community members and psychologists as they delve into the issues of crystal use among gay men and men who have sex with men. Following the Crystal Pleasures study into methamphetamine use in gay men and men who have sex with men, CSRH has produced a series of podcasts discussing this issue at length from a variety of...