Jacqueline Hendriks,The Conversation, September 9, 2020 6.07am AEST Relationships and sex education became compulsory throughout schools in England at the beginning of September 2020. In primary schools the course will focus on relationships, while secondary schools will include topics such as managing intimate relationships, consent and online behaviour. Schools — including government...
New resource: LGBTI R U OK? Conversation Guide
National LGBTI Health Alliance and R U OK?, February 2020 “Life can be challenging, and we all need support during times of grief, loss, relationship breakdown and when we’re under work or financial pressure. On top of this, LGBTI people might be subject to prejudice, stigma, discrimination, harassment, and violence.” National LGBTI Health Alliance has collaborated with R U OK? to...
New ‘Trans @ School’ resource
LGBTI Legal Service, Legal Aid Queensland and the Queensland Human Rights Commission, in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, 2020 This resource has been developed in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, young people, parents and educators. School is an important part of life for children and young people. Schools not only have an ethical duty, but a...
Tough man stereotype can hurt women and men: report
Our Watch, November 2019 Men who conform only to rigid stereotypes of how to be a man are more likely to have sexist attitudes and behaviours, which in turn makes them more likely to perpetuate violence against women, according to a new report by Our Watch and the Victorian Office for Women. The landmark study, Men in focus, is an extensive review of Australian and international research evidence...
Scotland to embed LGBTI teaching across curriculum
The Guardian, 9/12/2018 Scotland will become the first country in the world to embed the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights in the school curriculum, in what campaigners have described as a historic moment. State schools will be required to teach pupils about the history of LGBTI equalities and movements, as well as tackling homophobia and transphobia and...
Out at Work: from Prejudice to Pride report
RMIT University, 16 Aug 2018 Less than a third of LGBTIQ+ employees in Australia are out to all their colleagues and this significantly compromises their wellbeing and work performance, new research has found. According to the Out at Work: from Prejudice to Pride report released today, roughly 25 per cent of employees were out to some people and almost 40 per cent were out to most people at work...