
Gender, sex and equal health: including boys in the HPV vaccination programme in Swedish primary schools


Ylva Odenbring & Lisa Lindén (2023) Gender, sex and equal health: school nurses’ strategies and experiences of including boys in the HPV vaccination programme in Swedish primary schools, Sex Education, 23:5, 617-630, DOI: 10.1080/14681811.2022.2106959 Abstract: Since autumn 2020, boys in the fifth year of school (11-year-old students) in Sweden have been offered human papillomavirus (HPV)...

A global review of existing literature on the sexual exploitation of boys


ECPAT International (Global Boys Initiative), released 2021 In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that we lack a comprehensive understanding of  how sexual exploitation affects boys. Data on the sexual exploitation of all children is generally lacking. When it does exist, it tends to focus on girls. Yet, evidence suggests that boys may be as, or even more, vulnerable than girls in...

Stopping violence against women starts with learning what misogyny really is


The Conversation, Published: March 15, 2022 2.55am AEDT, by Katy Dineen, College Lecturer in Teaching & Learning Enhancement, University College Cork & Maria Moulin-Stożek, University Professor, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa The problem of violence against women might seem insurmountable. But focusing on education about misogyny may provide a place to start. In particular, it is...

Latest Australian Statistics on Sexual Violence – Victimisation


Australian Bureau of Statistics, 24/08/2021 This article is the first in a new series exploring the nature and prevalence of sexual assault, sexual abuse, and sexual harassment in Australia. Topics covered include changes in prevalence over time, victimisation risk factors, immediate and long-term impacts on victims, and criminal justice outcomes for offenders. The focus of this first article is...

Case report: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder & myelopathy in patient with preserved CD4, but high viral load


HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder and HIV-associated myelopathy in a patient with a preserved CD4, but high viral load-a rarely reported phenomenon: a case report and literature review.  Ayele, B.A., Amogne, W. & Gemechu, L. BMC Infect Dis 20, 574 (2020). This case supports the current understanding regarding the persistent occurrence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder and HIV...

Landmark study to track gay and bisexual men’s attitudes on body image


ABC News Breakfast, 15/2/2019 Steroid use is on the rise as young men fuelled by social media lead a dangerous pursuit of muscle-bound perfection, researchers warn.  Now, for the first time, a global study run from Australia will look specifically at how gay and bisexual men are impacted and whether this could be leading to fatal outcomes. Starting today, 3.5 million men on the Grindr app in...

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