CATIE (Canada), 17 March 2020 An HIV-positive person on effective treatment is not expected to be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 A person with untreated HIV or a low CD4+ cell count may be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 People with HIV or hepatitis C are more likely to have other conditions that carry a greater risk of becoming seriously ill with...
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health survey shows mixed outcomes
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 11/12/2019 A new report shows mixed health outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with a reduction in smoking and improvements in how people feel about their health, but an increased proportion of people with chronic conditions causing significant health problems. The 2018-19 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey released...
Clinical Practice Guidelines: Pregnancy Care (2018 Edition)
Australian Government Department of Health, February 2018 Modules 1 and 2 of the Antenatal Care Guidelines have now been combined and updated to form a single set of consolidated guidelines that were renamed Pregnancy Care Guidelines and publicly released in February 2018. The Pregnancy Care Guidelines are designed to support Australian maternity services to provide high-quality, evidence-based...
HIV-related factors increase risk of stroke
nam/aidsmap, produced in collaboration with, 15 March 2016 HIV-related risk factors seem to increase the risk of stroke – the sudden death of brain cells due to a rupture or obstruction of blood vessels in the brain – according to ongoing research in a growing number of large epidemiological cohort studies. In addition to traditional cardiovascular risk factors for stroke, HIV...