Tagbirth control



SHINE SA Media Release: 2 April 2020 Sexual and reproductive health must remain at the forefront of our minds during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is possible that throughout this crisis we may see a rise in unintended pregnancy as well as incidences of domestic violence, sexual violence and sexual coercion.  Unfortunately this could come at a time where our health systems are focused on the...

Hidden Forces: Shining a light on Reproductive Coercion (White Paper)


Marie Stopes Australia, 2018 Reproductive Coercion (RC) is behaviour that interferes with the autonomy of a person to make decisions about their reproductive health. Many Australians do not have full control over their reproductive choices. Their choices are constrained by people in their familial and community networks or by structural forces at play in our society. Reproductive Coercion is...

Emergency contraception awareness in an at‐risk population


Hope, D. L., Hattingh, L. and King, M. A. (2019) J Pharm Pract Res. doi:10.1002/jppr.1554 Background Consumer awareness of emergency contraception is generally poor. School leavers (schoolies) engage in risky behaviours, including casual sex and alcohol and drug consumption. Aim The aim of this study was to explore the awareness of an at‐risk population of schoolies regarding the use and...

Concerns for women after SA closes two centres for surgical abortion


ABC News, 19/09/2019 Two of South Australia’s surgical abortion services have been shut down over the past 18 months, amid community concerns about the impact on women seeking care. In January, services were relocated from the main abortion provider in the state, the Pregnancy Advisory Centre in Adelaide’s inner-western suburbs, moving all surgical abortions to the Queen Elizabeth...

More than half of fertility and period-tracker apps ineffective at predicting ovulation, study finds


ABC Health & Wellbeing,  17/09/2019 An Australian study of the most downloaded fertility apps has found over half didn’t perform well at predicting ovulation — which is exactly what many users are using these apps for. The findings, by researchers at Eve Health Fertility in Brisbane in conjunction with Queensland Fertility Group, were presented at a Fertility Society of Australia...

Updated fact sheet on Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs)


SHINE SA, May 2019 We have recently updated our fact sheet on Fertility Awareness Methods (FAMs).  There has been a rise in popularity of  period tracking and fertility tracking apps, used for ‘calendar-based’ fertility awareness methods. FAMs are methods where people become aware of the signs of fertility and learn to detect when they are most likely to become pregnant. These methods rely on the...

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