SHINE SA, 12.08.21 SHINE SA welcomes the latest legislation in Western Australia that protects the safety and privacy of people seeking reproductive healthcare. WA is the final state in Australia to place these protections. In November 2020, South Australia passed similar legislation know as the ‘Safe Access Zones’ bill. This bill ensures people seeking abortions and those that provide them can...
Changes in use of hormonal long‐acting reversible contraceptive methods in Australia 2006 – 2018
Changes in use of hormonal long‐acting reversible contraceptive methods in Australia between 2006 and 2018: A population‐based study Luke E. Grzeskowiak, Helen Calabretto, Natalie Amos, Danielle Mazza, Jenni Ilomaki ANZJOG First published: 23 October 2020, Abstract: Background Long‐acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are promoted internationally as a key strategy for reducing unintended...
Opinion: Relationships & sex education now mandatory in English schools – Australia should do the same
Jacqueline Hendriks,The Conversation, September 9, 2020 6.07am AEST Relationships and sex education became compulsory throughout schools in England at the beginning of September 2020. In primary schools the course will focus on relationships, while secondary schools will include topics such as managing intimate relationships, consent and online behaviour. Schools — including government...
Shortage of norethisterone-containing pills in Australia: Advice for GPs
July/August 2020 The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) advises: Consumers and health professionals are advised that there is a shortage of oral contraceptive pills containing the combination ethinylestradiol and norethisterone. The affected products are: Brevinor – norethisterone 0.5 mg and ethinylestradiol 35 micrograms Norimin – norethisterone 0.5 mg and ethinylestradiol 35...
Updated IMPLANON NXT Procedures Statement
SHINE SA, September 2020 The contraceptive implant (Implanon NXT) is one of the most effective contraceptives available. Along with the hormonal and copper IUDs, it is classified as Long Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC) which are recommended as first-line options for all people choosing to use contraception. SHINE SA wish to alert clinicians to important updated information about Implanon...
Free online event – What Is Your Vision: The Future Of Abortion Care In Australia
Children by Choice, Family Planning NT, I Had One Too, 1800 My Options, Our Bodies Our Choices, South Australian Abortion Action Coalition, Sexual Health Quarters WA, SPHERE and Women’s Health Tasmania, September 2020 Event time and date: Mon 28th Sep 2020, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm AEST (NB: this event starts at 6.30 PM Adelaide Time) About the event Gina Rushton will be chatting to health...