
Challenging misconceptions about sexual offending: report (Link fixed)


Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2017 Reports of sexual offences crimes have increased over the last six years. Despite the prevalence of sexual offending in our communities, there is a lack of understanding about these crimes. Myths and misconceptions about sexual offending are common. This is understandable, because sexual offending is a profoundly hidden crime. Much of what we know...

Serving up inequality: How sex and gender impact women’s relationship with food


Women’s Health Victoria, September 2017 This issues paper explores various aspects of women’s health relating to food. These include the impacts of nutritional deficiency, the links between nutrition and chronic disease and women’s food-related behaviours. Gender itself is a key structural determinant of women’s health and inequality, playing out in women’s roles in relation to food, in...

How we inherit masculine and feminine behaviours: a new idea about environment and genes


The Conversation, August 18, 2017 3.22pm AEST What if thousands of years of gendered environments actually reduced the need to develop genetic mechanisms to ensure gender differences? This is the idea we suggest in our new paper. Advances in evolutionary biology recognise that offspring don’t just inherit genes. They also reliably inherit all kinds of resources: a particular ecology, a nest...

Six-question risk score can identify HIV-positive gay men needing testing for acute hepatitis C


nam/aidsmap, 5th June 2017 Six questions can identify HIV-positive gay men who are at elevated risk of having acute (recent) hepatitis C infection and who would benefit from further testing, according to a paper published in Eurosurveillance last week. The risk score was based on data from a Dutch cohort and has been validated with separate datasets from Belgium, the Netherlands and England. The...

The Talk: How Adults Can Promote Young People’s Healthy Relationships and Prevent Misogyny and Sexual Harassment


Harvard University, 17 May 2017 This is the talk we need to have with young people. Many adults—especially parents—often fret about youth and the “hook-up culture.” But research suggests that far fewer young people are “hooking up” than we are commonly led to believe. This focus on the hook-up culture also obscures two much bigger issues that many young people appear to be...

At what age are children aware of gender differences?


The Age, APRIL 6 2017 – 1:48PM The Victorian government has announced it plans to teach its Respectful Relationship program to preschoolers as a way to target and prevent sexist behaviour among children aged three and four years old. The justification for extending this program into preschool settings, according to the document released by the state government, is that “as young...

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