Working Women’s Centre SA Inc, November 2019 The Working Women’s Centre SA Inc has created a guide for employers to assist them with preventing & responding to sexual harassment in the workplace during the festive season. This guide will assist employers in planning a safe and truly celebratory event. It is designed to be shared amongst workplaces in the leadup to the work...
Towards a Safe Place: Raising Awareness of Domestic Violence in LGBTIQA+ Communities (resource)
Catalyst Foundation, 2019 The Towards a Safe Place project has created resources for LGBTIQA+ communities to use both as individuals or in communities to support and inform at risk individuals of available services and supports in relation to Domestic Violence and to increase awareness and understanding of Domestic Violence and its impact within LGBTIQA+ communities. We have worked closely...
Among transgender children, gender identity as strong as in cisgender children, study shows
University of Washington, November 18, 2019 Children who identify as the gender matching their sex at birth tend to gravitate toward the toys, clothing and friendships stereotypically associated with that gender. Transgender children do the same with the gender they identify as, regardless of how long they have actually lived as a member of that gender. New findings from the largest study of...
Preventive work for men’s sexual and reproductive health and rights within primary care
In everybody’s interest but no one’s assigned responsibility: midwives’ thoughts and experiences of preventive work for men’s sexual and reproductive health and rights within primary care BMC Public Health, Volume 19, Article number: 1423 (2019) Abstract Background Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have historically been regarded as a woman’s issue. It is likely that these gender...
Striving towards the elimination of HCV infection among PWID
International Journal of Drug Policy, Volume 72,Pages 1-198 (October 2019) Nearly 200 pages of open access articles from projects and research around the world. While this special issue highlights some successful efforts towards HCV elimination among people who inject drugs, it also highlights the relative lack of attention to settings in which resources enabling elimination are scarce, and where...
HIV diagnoses in migrant populations in Australia: a changing epidemiology
PLoS ONE ,14(2): e0212268. Abstract Introduction We conducted a detailed analysis of trends in new HIV diagnoses in Australia by country of birth, to understand any changes in epidemiology, relationship to migration patterns and implications for public health programs. Methods Poisson regression analyses were performed, comparing the age-standardised HIV diagnosis rates per 100,000 estimated...