Taganal sex

State of Play: findings from the England Gay Men’s Sex Survey


Sigma Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, May 2016 The 2014 Gay Men’s Sex Survey was released this week. 15,360 men who have sex with men, living in England and aged 16 to 90 years, completed the online survey. Findings included: The proportion of men not happy with their sex lives was 41%.   The over 65s were most likely to be happy with their sex life.  ...

High incidence of HCV re-infection among HIV-positive MSM in Western Europe


nam/aidsmap, 19 April 2016 There is a very high incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) re-infection among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) in western Europe, according to research presented to the International Liver Congress in Barcelona. Investigators found that a quarter of HIV-positive MSM who cleared an initial HCV infection were re-infected with HCV within three years. The...

Know your chances of contracting an STI


British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, Canada A common question people have is “What are my chances of getting an STI?”  While there is no simple answer, the charts below give an estimate of your chances, when your partner has that sexually transmitted infection (STI). These charts are based on research where possible, and have been reviewed by STI experts in British Columbia.  These charts...

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