
Sex a key part of life for people over 65, study says


Guardian, Thu 3 May 2018 21.08 AEST Sex is not only a pursuit of the young and carefree but also a key part of life for adults in their later years, a new poll has revealed – putting paid to the trope that action stops as pensions loom. A US survey has found that 40% of those aged between 65 and 80 report being sexually active, with more than half of those who have a partner saying they still...

Clinical Practice Guidelines: Pregnancy Care (2018 Edition)


Australian Government Department of Health, February 2018 Modules 1 and 2 of the Antenatal Care Guidelines have now been combined and updated to form a single set of consolidated guidelines that were renamed Pregnancy Care Guidelines and publicly released in February 2018.  The Pregnancy Care Guidelines are designed to support Australian maternity services to provide high-quality, evidence-based...

New evidence supports HIV screening in young adulthood


Science Daily, December 19, 2017 A new study suggests that the most beneficial age for a one-time screening HIV test of the general population would be age 25. The report — led by researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital  working with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health — will be published in the Journal of...

Rising Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Incidence and Associated Risk Factors Among Female Sex Workers in Australia


Rising Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Incidence and Associated Risk Factors Among Female Sex Workers in Australia: A Retrospective Cohort Study Authors Denton Callander, PhD,*† Hamish McManus, PhD,* Rebecca Guy, PhD,* Margaret Hellard, PhD,‡ Catherine C. O’Connor, DrPH,*§¶ Christopher K. Fairley, PhD,||** Eric P.F. Chow, PhD,||** Anna McNulty, MM,†† David A. Lewis, DA, PhD,‡‡§§ Christopher Carmody, MB...

Challenging misconceptions about sexual offending: report (Link fixed)


Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2017 Reports of sexual offences crimes have increased over the last six years. Despite the prevalence of sexual offending in our communities, there is a lack of understanding about these crimes. Myths and misconceptions about sexual offending are common. This is understandable, because sexual offending is a profoundly hidden crime. Much of what we know...

What is “successful ageing” for people living with HIV?


nam/aidsmap,  26 August 2017 When Canadian researchers asked HIV-positive people over the age of 50 how they would define “successful ageing”, six key themes emerged – accepting limitations, staying positive, maintaining social support, taking responsibility, living a healthy lifestyle, and engaging in meaningful activities. Writing in the International Journal of STD & AIDS, Patricia Solomon...

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