
The Gaps Project Report: HIV transmission amongst GBMSM in Australia


Identifying gaps in achieving the elimination of HIV transmission among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Australia: The Gaps Project Report Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney, 2020 This report identifies gaps on the pathway in achieving the elimination of HIV transmission among GBMSM in Australia, through collating and analysing surveillance and behavioural data collected from...

Changes in use of hormonal long‐acting reversible contraceptive methods in Australia 2006 – 2018


Changes in use of hormonal long‐acting reversible contraceptive methods in Australia between 2006 and 2018: A population‐based study Luke E. Grzeskowiak,  Helen Calabretto, Natalie Amos, Danielle Mazza, Jenni Ilomaki ANZJOG First published: 23 October 2020,  Abstract: Background Long‐acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) are promoted internationally as a key strategy for reducing unintended...

Australian Burden of Disease Study: Illicit Drug Use, Intimate Partner Violence, Unsafe Sex


 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Last updated: 06 Aug 2020 Burden of disease is a measure of the years of healthy life lost from living with, or dying from disease and injury. A portion of this burden is preventable, being due to modifiable risk factors. This report provides information on the deaths and burden of disease due to risk factors included in the Australian Burden of...

More than 6,500 same-sex marriages registered in 2018


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 27th November 2019 There were 119,188 marriages in Australia in 2018, including 6,538 same-sex marriages, according to data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). James Eynstone-Hinkins, Director of the ABS Health and Vital Statistics Section, said 2018 was the first full year in which same-sex couples could marry after changes to the...

Australian-led PCOS guideline an international first


Medical Journal of Australia, Published online: 22 November 2019 An Australian-led international and multidisciplinary collaboration of health professionals and consumers has produced the first international evidence-based guideline for the diagnosis and management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) with an unprecedented international translation program, summarised today in a...

Preventive work for men’s sexual and reproductive health and rights within primary care


In everybody’s interest but no one’s assigned responsibility: midwives’ thoughts and experiences of preventive work for men’s sexual and reproductive health and rights within primary care BMC Public Health, Volume 19, Article number: 1423 (2019) Abstract Background Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) have historically been regarded as a woman’s issue. It is likely that these gender...

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