ACON, 19/02/2019 Funding from the Department of Social Services is set to bolster efforts to address domestic and family violence (DFV) in the LGBTIQ community. The $340,000 will help nationalise an online DFV resource developed and delivered for NSW by ACON, Australia’s largest LGBTIQ health organisation. Produced by ACON, Say It Out Loud is a website that provides information, support and...
Report: Gay and Transgender Prejudice Killings in NSW in the Late 20th Century
ACON, May 2018 Australia has a long history of violence towards people from sexual and gender minorities, stretching from colonisation to the present day. This Report looks at what has been a tragic and shameful episode in Sydney’s history. ACON, in conjunction with key partners, has undertaken a review of the initial list of 88 homicide cases that occurred during the period t from the 1970s...
New resources: Staying Strong During The Marriage Equality Debate
ACON, November 2017 In light of all the emotional distress being caused by the protracted and harmful debate surrounding marriage equality, ACON has put together these resources that they hope will help everyone within the affected communities, particularly younger community members who often find themselves most vulnerable to hate speech. Download the full-sized resources below: Staying Strong...
Flux study first report: drug use among gay men and bisexual men
Kirby Institute, May 2016 The Flux Study, a study of drug use (and non-use) among gay and bisexual men, has recently released its first annual report. Flux is a cohort study of 2251 men, including over 1700 who are being followed at 6-monthly intervals. It identifies: risk factors, prevalence, incidence, and associated harms of drug use; the role of gay community norms in individuals’...
Major Sporting Codes Sign Up To New Push To Combat Homophobia in Sport
Star Observer, MARCH 15, 2016 AUSTRALIA’s most popular and influential sporting codes have committed to creating more inclusive environments for LGBTI people by participating in a new Pride in Sport Index. The initiative is similar to Pride in Diversity’s corporate program and its Australian Worplace Equality Index (AWEI), and will work with sporting codes to create sustainable change. Read more...
New video encourages LGBTI people to escape abusive relationships
A though-provoking new online video, released yesterday, encourages LGBTI people suffering from domestic violence to “trust your instincts” and access specialist services.
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