SIN (South Australian Adult Industry Workers Association), February 2018 The posters below were originally designed in an effort to engage migrant students with SIN’s services. However, they are not restricted to students, and may be a beneficial engagement tool in many environments. Please feel free to distribute these to any setting where you feel they may be beneficial – with a...
Factsheet on the new The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017
The Equality Campaign, 18/09/2017 The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017 was introduced into parliament (and passed) at the end of last week. Included as a part of the bill was a series of temporary measures to protect people from vilification, harassment or threats of harm during the current postal survey campaign. Also included as a part of the bill is a series of...
SASHA evaluation survey – a reminder
Hi SASHA browsers & subscribers, Just a reminder about our survey – thanks so much to those who have taken the time to answer, but we’d love a few more responses if possible before we close the survey. SASHA has been running for a year now so we’d like to evaluate it, to see if it’s a useful service – and if so, how it can be improved further to meet your needs...
Two new offences created in South Australia to help avoid sexual exploitation of disabled people
ABC News, 30/3/15
Two new laws in South Australia aim to offer better protection from sexual exploitation for people with an intellectual disability.
Read more here