CategorySexual Activity

Community-level changes in condom use and uptake of HIV PrEP by gay and bisexual men in Melbourne and Sydney


Lancet HIV (2018). Published online 06 June 2018. doi: 10.1016/S2352-301830072-9. Abstract: Background Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) has been rapidly rolled out in large, publicly funded implementation projects in Victoria and New South Wales, Australia. Using behavioural surveillance of gay and bisexual men, we analysed the uptake and effect of PrEP, particularly on condom use by gay and...

Association between adolescent condom use and individual & environmental resilience protective factors


Aust NZ J Public Health. 2018; 42:230-3; doi: 10.1111/1753-6405.12744 Epub 2018 Mar 12. Abstract OBJECTIVE: Individual and environmental resilience protective factors are suggested to be associated with adolescent condom use; however, previous studies have not comprehensively examined such associations. This study aimed to determine the associations between condom use, and numerous individual and...

Gay men having chemsex are five times more likely to have a new HIV diagnosis than other gay men


aidsmap/nam,  23 May 2018 Gay and bisexual men who reported engaging in chemsex (the use of specific drugs to enhance or facilitate sex) were five times more likely to be newly diagnosed with HIV, nine times more likely to be diagnosed with hepatitis C and four times more likely to be diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection during a 13-month follow-up period, according to London data...

Sex a key part of life for people over 65, study says


Guardian, Thu 3 May 2018 21.08 AEST Sex is not only a pursuit of the young and carefree but also a key part of life for adults in their later years, a new poll has revealed – putting paid to the trope that action stops as pensions loom. A US survey has found that 40% of those aged between 65 and 80 report being sexually active, with more than half of those who have a partner saying they still...

Survey for all women and anyone with a cervix: HPV-related cancer awareness


Positive Life in partnership with Femfatales, the National Network of Women Living with HIV, 2018 All women and anyone with a cervix in Australia, both HIV-positive and HIV-negative, are invited to take an online, anonymous survey about awareness of HPV and related cancers. Positive Life NSW in partnership with Femfatales, the National Network of Women Living with HIV, has developed a survey to...

Intercourse, age of initiation and contraception among adolescents in Ireland


BMC Public Health 2018 18:362  Abstract Background The need to tackle sexual health problems and promote positive sexual health has been acknowledged in Irish health policy. Young people’s sexual behaviour however remains under-researched with limited national data available. Methods This study presents the first nationally representative and internationally comparable data on young people’s...

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