Holley Skene (SHine SA), December 1, 2016
For twenty years, the Kirby Institute has collected and analysed data relating to the occurrence of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia. You can now explore the latest findings from the bloodborne viruses (BBVs) and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) 2016 Annual Surveillance Reports using the new website.
This website allows you to explore the latest data using the interactive graphs. A separate report is prepared that explores the data in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations.
The 2015 chlamydia diagnosis and care cascade in 15-29 year olds reveals how much work there is still to be done in order to increase testing, diagnosis and follow up in this cohort. It is estimated that only 26% of young people with chlamydia were diagnosed, treated and completed follow-up in 2015.
There are also some great infographics, slide sets and media releases you can view and download.
Did you know that in 2015…
- There were an estimated 260,000 new cases of chlamydia in 15-29 year olds.
- There were 66,033 notifications for chlamydia.
- Chlamydia testing has doubled from 2008-2015.
- The rate of notification of chlamydia in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population in the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, and Western Australia was over three times that in the non–Indigenous population.
- Among 15–19 year olds, there has been a decline in the chlamydia notification rate by 19% since 2011.
Access website here