ArchiveMay 2018

Fears family violence is going undetected by psychiatrists


Guardian, Thu 10 May 2018 04.00 AEST
Half of Australia’s psychiatrists are receiving less than two hours of formal training in how to deal with family violence, a study has found.
The finding has raised fears family violence may be going undetected by psychiatrists, and prompted calls for a more comprehensive training regimen.

Read more of Fears family violence is going undetected by psychiatrists

Sex a key part of life for people over 65, study says


Guardian, Thu 3 May 2018 21.08 AEST Sex is not only a pursuit of the young and carefree but also a key part of life for adults in their later years, a new poll has revealed – putting paid to the trope that action stops as pensions loom. A US survey has found that 40% of those aged between 65 and 80 report being sexually active, with more than half of those who have a partner saying they still...

Development and validation of PozQoL: a scale to assess quality of life of PLHIV


BMC Public Health, 2018 18:527,  Abstract Background Advances in medical treatment for HIV are driving major changes in HIV policy and practice, including the encouragement of intake and adherence to HIV antiretroviral treatment (ART) by people living with HIV (PLHIV) for both personal and public health benefits. However, there is increasing recognition that achieving these goals will require a...

Rise of contraceptive apps sparks fears over unwanted pregnancies


Guardian, Wed 2 May 2018 00.22  Growing numbers of women are using contraceptive apps, but experts have warned they could lead to unwanted pregnancies.The Swedish app Natural Cycles, the only certified app for contraception, has seen a surge in the number of members from the UK in the past year with almost 200,000 signed up, an increase from 5,000 in 2016. Sarah Hardman, the director of the...

Poorer outcomes for babies born to teen mums – often linked to low socioeconomic status


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,  02 May 2018 Babies of teenage mothers often experience poorer health outcomes than babies born to women just a few years older, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s (AIHW) first report on this subject. The report, Teenage mothers in Australia 2015, shows that about 8,200 teenage mothers gave birth to 8,300 babies (3% of all...

Sexual & Reproductive Health Resource Kit for Aboriginal young people


Aboriginal Health & Medical Research Council of New South Wales, 2018 The AH&MRC has developed a new vibrant Sexual and Reproductive Health Resource Kit for workers to use with Aboriginal young people named “DOIN ‘IT’ RIGHT!”. DOIN IT RIGHT! provides workers who work with young Aboriginal people (including non-sexual health and non-Aboriginal workers) with step by...

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