ArchiveNovember 2017

Chemsex: film screening and panel discussion


SAMESH, November 2017 Chemsex is a documentary that exposes the other side to modern gay life, telling the story of gay men struggling to make it out of ‘the scene’ alive. This powerful and unflinching film followers a group of men battling with HIV, drug addiction, and finding acceptance in a changing world. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film with an...

Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey Results


Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 15 November 2017 Should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry? Of the eligible Australians who expressed a view on this question, the majority indicated that the law should be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry, with 7,817,247 (61.6%) responding Yes and 4,873,987 (38.4%) responding No. Nearly 8 out of 10 eligible Australians (79.5%)...

New resources: Staying Strong During The Marriage Equality Debate


ACON, November 2017 In light of all the emotional distress being caused by the protracted and harmful  debate surrounding marriage equality, ACON has put together these resources that they hope will help everyone within the affected communities, particularly younger community members who often find themselves most vulnerable to hate speech. Download the full-sized resources below: Staying Strong...

Discrimination, not same-sex parents, harms children: report


The Age, October 23 2017 Children raised in same-sex families develop as their peers in families with heterosexual parents do, a group of senior pediatricians and adolescent health experts says. And the group has called on the medical community to debunk “damaging misrepresentations” of the evidence being used by the “no” campaign in the postal vote on same-sex marriage...

Can you get gonorrhoea from kissing?


ABC Radio (Hack), 8th November 2017 In a troubling development, Melbourne researchers suspect gonorrhoea is being spread by kissing, overturning years of conventional wisdom. Although it’s early days and not cause for alarm, there is evidence to suggest ‘throat-to-throat transmission’ may be driving the spread of gonorrhea in inner-city Australia. It’s been generally...

The stigma of sex work comes with a high cost


The Conversation, August 10, 2017 Stigma is a mark of disgrace, a social discrediting, or a spoiled identity. For sex workers, legal, cultural and social discourse is characterised by “prurience, titillation, outrage and disgust”. Narratives of sex work as undesirable and sex workers as disposable victims are heavily steeped in our cultural imagination. Examining the individual and institutional...

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