ArchiveSeptember 2017

Challenging misconceptions about sexual offending: report (Link fixed)


Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2017 Reports of sexual offences crimes have increased over the last six years. Despite the prevalence of sexual offending in our communities, there is a lack of understanding about these crimes. Myths and misconceptions about sexual offending are common. This is understandable, because sexual offending is a profoundly hidden crime. Much of what we know...

Factsheet on the new The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017


The Equality Campaign, 18/09/2017 The Marriage Law Survey (Additional Safeguards) Bill 2017 was introduced into parliament (and passed) at the end of last week. Included as a part of the bill was a series of temporary measures to protect people from vilification, harassment or threats of harm during the current postal survey campaign. Also included as a part of the bill is a series of...

Same-sex marriage survey sparks spike in access of LGBTI mental health support


ABC News, 18/8/2017 A national mental health service for young people and their parents say they have experienced a spike in clients accessing LGBTI support services during the highly charged same-sex marriage postal survey period. ReachOut CEO Jono Nicholas said there had been a 20 per cent increase in people accessing LGBTI support services with many contacting them with anxiety over the same...

In[ter]view: SHINE SA’s Dr Amy Moten


Verse magazine, Edition 18, September 2017 This edition we talked to Amy, SHINE SA’s Medical Educator, who is answering all your questions when it comes to the ‘what’s this’ and ‘how do I check that’ of sex. How often should people who are sexually active get tested? You should have a test when symptoms of a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) are first noticed or if a sexual partner is...

What is going on in gay men’s lives when they acquire HIV?


nam/aidsmap, Published: 08 September 2017 Gay men in England who have recently become HIV positive describe a complex web of factors which may have contributed to their infection, according to a qualitative study recently published in BMJ Open. “Individuals who experienced multiple stressors, gradually over the life course or more suddenly, were especially vulnerable to HIV and being drawn into...

Serving up inequality: How sex and gender impact women’s relationship with food


Women’s Health Victoria, September 2017 This issues paper explores various aspects of women’s health relating to food. These include the impacts of nutritional deficiency, the links between nutrition and chronic disease and women’s food-related behaviours. Gender itself is a key structural determinant of women’s health and inequality, playing out in women’s roles in relation to food, in...

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