ArchiveMarch 2017

Pregnancy outcome statistics (SA)


Pregnancy Outcome Unit, SA Health: November 2016 The Pregnancy Outcome Unit undertakes statewide monitoring of pregnancy characteristics and outcomes to identify population groups most at risk and determine preventive interventions. This is undertaken through data collections. Each year, the Pregnancy Outcome Unit publishes two annual reports. Pregnancy Outcome in South Australia provides annual...

‘Sex prescriptions’ may not be the answer but we must respect disabled people’s right to a sexual life

SBS, 19 Jan 2017 – 1:04PM Sex for disabled people is an important aspect of their lives, as it is for most people. But there remains a taboo around sex and disabled people. Discrimination and marginalisation means disabled people often spend their lives denied the opportunity to explore their sexual identities. Consequently, the Green Party in Germany recently proposed “sex prescriptions”...

Five myths about the new cervical screening program that refuse to die


The Conversation, March 10, 2017 6.23am AEDT
The online petition against changes to Australia’s cervical cancer screening program has revealed more than 70,000 people (most of whom we could assume are women) are deeply concerned about what the upcoming changes mean.
Let’s have a look at some common misconceptions and concerns about changes to the cervical cancer screening program.
Read more here 

New study shows Americans are having sex less often, especially young people


San Diego State University,  7 March 2017 According to a new study published in the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior today, Americans who were married or living together had sex 16 fewer times per year in 2010-2014 compared to 2000-2004. A critical factor appears to be birth cohort, with later-born generations having sex less often than those born earlier in the 20th century. Read more here...

Australian report finds disturbing evidence of gender inequality


Guardian Australia, March 8th Incorrect assumptions are being made that gender equality has been achieved despite disturbing and comprehensive evidence to the contrary, an investigation by Australia’s sex discrimination commissioner, Kate Jenkins, has found. “There are many different voices in this, and my voice is tied to having spoken to rural women, LGBTI women, older women, women with...

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