ArchiveDecember 2016

Long term decline in consistent condom use among Australian gay men


nam/adismap, 15 November 2016 Data from the last ten years of the Australian Gay Community Periodic Surveys shows a steady decline in consistent condom use, with more gay men attempting to minimise their risk by serosorting or by having an undetectable viral load. While HIV-positive men appear to be increasingly confident in their low risk of HIV transmission, it is not clear that HIV-negative...

December GK Cooking Class for People Living with HIV


SAMESH, December 2016 Are you or your friends/family/clients living with HIV and wanting to learn to cook a Christmas meal on a budget? Come along and enjoy some great food and learn some new skills. We understand how stressful Christmas can be when living on a budget, that’s why our December cooking demonstration will show you some budget-friendly meals that can be cooked for friends and...

Mission Australia’s Annual Youth Survey results, 2016


Mission Australia, December 2016 Each year Mission Australia encourages young Australians aged 15-19 to ‘speak up’ about the issues that really concern them through their annual Youth Survey, the largest of its kind. In 2016 they had close to 22,000 respondents. Since its inception 15 years ago, the Youth Survey has become a critical piece of research and is used to inform the agendas of...

LGBTIQ South Australians receive apology for past wrongs


Rainbow Labor South Australia Inc, 1st Dec 2016 Rainbow Labor has welcomed today’s apology by South Australian Labor Premier, Jay Weatherill, to South Australian lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people. The apology, seconded by the Leader of the Opposition, recognises the discrimination LGBTIQ people have suffered under South Australian laws. Read more here rlsa...

Kirby releases new HIV, Hepatitis & STIs in Australia Report Card Website


Holley Skene (SHine SA), December 1, 2016 For twenty years, the Kirby Institute has collected and analysed data relating to the occurrence of HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmissible infections in Australia. You can now explore the latest findings from the bloodborne viruses (BBVs) and sexually transmissible infections (STIs) 2016 Annual Surveillance Reports using the new website.  This...

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