ArchiveNovember 2016

2016 Aboriginal Surveillance Report of HIV, viral hepatitis, STIs


Kirby Institute, UNSW, November 2016 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to experience a disproportionate burden of disease. HIV notification rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men have doubled over the past five years and rates of chlamydia, gonorrhoea and infectious syphilis are 3, 10 and 6 times greater than the non–Indigenous population in 2015, with even...

LGBT Seniors Are Being Pushed Back Into the Closet


The Atlantic, August 31 2016 Reluctance to reveal their sexual identity is widespread among non-heterosexual senior citizens in long-term care. A recent national survey of this population by the National Resource Center on LGBT Aging—which provides support and services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender elders—found that the respondents were frequently mistreated by care-center staff...

The quality and effectiveness of interventions that target multiple risk factors among young people


Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 2016, doi:10.1111/1753-6405.12573 Abstract Objective: To identify evaluations of interventions that target multiple risk factors in high-risk young people, describe their characteristics, critique their methodological quality and summarise their effectiveness. Methods: A search of the literature published between 2009 and 2014 identified 13...

AMAZE: a new sex ed video series


Advocates for Youth, Answer and Youth Tech Health (YTH), September 2016 Advocates for Youth, Answer and Youth Tech Health (YTH) have launched AMAZE an online sexual education resource aimed specifically at 10-14 year olds. They have created a series of videos which aim to be humorous and engaging while helping young people learn about sex & relationships. The idea being reinforced is...

Launch of Indaba HIV website for women


PEACE Multicultural Services at RASA, November 2016 A message from  PEACE Multicultural Services: “Please join us for the official launch of Indaba HIV, a website created to provide basic and practical information as well as relevant resources for women living with HIV in South Australia. Indaba also highlights important information for service providers to help them meet the needs of women...

New digital resource on revenge po*rn & cyberbullying in SA


The Law Society, 2 November 2016 The Law Society and University of Adelaide have launched a new digital cyberbullying resource which deals with new revenge porn laws that came into force in SA on Friday. A cyberbullying section has been added to the app Out of Bounds (previously called The Naked Truth), which also explains the laws surrounding unlawful sexual intercourse and sexting. The new...

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