ArchiveApril 2016

Alcohol and other drug treatment services – Key findings in 2014–15


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016 Key findings in 2014–15: Agencies A total of 843 publicly-funded alcohol and other drug treatment agencies provided services to clients seeking treatment and support for alcohol and other drug problems, an increase of 27% over the 5-year period to 2014–15. Clients Around 115,000 clients received just over 170,000 treatment episodes from alcohol and...

A public crisis, with a feeling of deja vu – the online abuse of Australian women


The Guardian, Saturday 23 April 2016 08.33 AEST As recently as in the past six months, the high-profile campaign against domestic violence spearheaded by Rosie Batty has expanded to include the abuse regularly experienced by women on the internet, by both known and unknown perpetrators. New data has helped to reveal the staggering extent of the problem in Australia. A study by the digital...

When women are raped by women


Marie Claire (US), Mar 30 2016 Sexual assault is perceived as a straight issue, perpetrated by men against women. Thanks in part to the battered women’s movement of the 1980s and the growing awareness of the current rape culture in the United States—from assaults on college campuses to abuse within relationships—we’ve been hearing a predominantly heterosexual story. But...

High incidence of HCV re-infection among HIV-positive MSM in Western Europe


nam/aidsmap, 19 April 2016 There is a very high incidence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) re-infection among HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM) in western Europe, according to research presented to the International Liver Congress in Barcelona. Investigators found that a quarter of HIV-positive MSM who cleared an initial HCV infection were re-infected with HCV within three years. The...

Contraception for women with epilepsy: counselling, choices, and concerns


Open Access Journal of Contraception, 19 April 2016 Volume 2016:7 Pages 69—76 Arne Reimers, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, St Olavs University Hospital, and Department of Laboratory Medicine, Children’s and Women’s Health, Faculty of Medicine, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway Abstract: Approximately 50% of all pregnancies in women with epilepsy (WWE)...

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