
What makes gay and bisexual men in Australia choose not to take PrEP?


nam/aidsmap, 14 April 2022 Perceived irrelevance, lack of awareness, problems with access, side effects, negative social impacts, and concerns about lack of STI protection, effectiveness and adherence are the most common reasons for not using PrEP among gay and bisexual men in Australia. This is according to a study recently published in the journal Behavioral Medicine which analysed reasons for...

People identifying as LGBTIQ and alcohol, tobacco & other drugs in Australia


Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, last updated 12/06/2020 Key Findings: People identifying as lesbian, gay or bisexual have relatively high rates of substance use. However, there is a lack of comprehensive data available on the associated harms for this population group. Almost one in 5 (18.7%) people identifying as homosexual or bisexual reported daily tobacco smoking in 2016, comapred...

Crystal Clear: Forum & Podcast Launch


SAMESH, 25/11/2019 Join our panel of researchers, health care workers, community members and psychologists as they delve into the issues of crystal use among gay men and men who have sex with men. Following the Crystal Pleasures study into methamphetamine use in gay men and men who have sex with men, CSRH has produced a series of podcasts discussing this issue at length from a variety of...

Upcoming forum – Call me by any name: the facts on meth and Hep A, B and C


SAMESH & Hepatitis SA, August 2018 Crystal? Ice? Tina? Have questions about methamphetamines? Want to know the facts? How to look after yourself and others? Curious about hepatitis A, B or C? Want to know more about transmission and treatment? Come to our community forum & have your questions answered by experts. Speakers: Gary Spence & Michelle Spudic – from Hepatitis SA FREE EVENT...

Chemsex: film screening and panel discussion


SAMESH, November 2017 Chemsex is a documentary that exposes the other side to modern gay life, telling the story of gay men struggling to make it out of ‘the scene’ alive. This powerful and unflinching film followers a group of men battling with HIV, drug addiction, and finding acceptance in a changing world. The screening will be followed by a discussion about the film with an...

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