
Porn use is up, thanks to the pandemic


The Conversation, 8th April 2020 Not all businesses are experiencing a downturn. The world’s largest pornography website, Pornhub, has reported large increases in traffic. In many regions, these spikes in use have occurred immediately after social distancing measures have been implemented. Why are people viewing more pornography? I’m a professor of clinical psychology who researches pornography...

‘Sexism’ in sexual assault research, but this time men are the target


Science Daily, July 10, 2017 Sexism is alive and well, but this time men are the target. A new study debunks a long-standing theory that sexual assault isn’t as emotionally traumatizing for men as it is for women and that it doesn’t result in similar emotional impacts, especially depression. Men make up about 38 percent of sexual assault and rape incidents reported, and those in the...

John & Tony’s story: love, brain injury, and domestic violence


news.com.au, October 14, 20159:40am At their most severe, John’s outbursts have inflicted broken teeth and stitches to his partner Tony’s head. It’s rare to hear someone admit to being a perpetrator of domestic violence. And what John has done is shocking. There’s no question about it. But everyone close to John attests that he was never violent before he sustained a severe brain injury nine...

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