The Australian Government Department of Health, July 2021
The First National Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) Research Strategy (the Strategy) will ensure that future funded research activities best align with the priorities of the BBV and STI research agenda and support measurable progress towards the goals and targets of the five National BBV and STI Strategies.
The five National BBV and STI Strategies set the direction for Australia’s continuing response, and represent the commitment of Australian governments, researchers, and health and community organisations to address the impact of BBVs and STIs on the Australian community.
The Strategy aims to support nationally relevant research and innovation, and capacity building in reducing the incidence and impact of BBVs and STIs in Australia. The Strategy builds on the considerable work already being progressed collaboratively by governments, community-based organisations, researchers, health professionals and communities to improve health outcomes for people at risk of, and living with, BBV and STIs.