
How long should clinicians spend sampling the pharynx for gonorrhoea culture specimens?


Stuart Sarah, Richardson Daniel, Iwuji Collins, Soni Suneeta (2021) How long should clinicians spend sampling the pharynx for gonorrhoea culture specimens?. Sexual Health 19, 74-75. Abstract: There are few data on the length of time clinicians should take sampling the pharynx to optimise the sensitivity of gonorrhoea culture specimens and we aimed to gain a consensus on sampling time. The...

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), HIV & hepatitis C: What you need to know


CATIE (Canada), 17 March 2020 An HIV-positive person on effective treatment is not expected to be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 A person with untreated HIV or a low CD4+ cell count may be at higher risk of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19 People with HIV or hepatitis C are more likely to have other conditions that carry a greater risk of becoming seriously ill with...

Kissing may be an important and neglected risk factor for oropharyngeal gonorrhoea


Kissing may be an important and neglected risk factor for oropharyngeal gonorrhoea: a cross-sectional study in men who have sex with men Chow EPF, Cornelisse VJ, Williamson DA, et al Sexually Transmitted Infections 2019;95:516-521. Abstract: Objectives A mathematical model suggested that a significant proportion of oropharyngeal gonorrhoea cases are acquired via oropharynx-to-oropharynx...

Experts debate whether kissing is to blame for gonorrhoea spread


Sydney Morning Herald, July 18, 2019 — 2.00am The long-held position of sexual health experts is that gonorrhoea is transmitted by the penis, but an Australian researcher is studying the possibility the infection can be spread by kissing. At the STI and HIV World Conference in Vancouver on Thursday, Professor Kit Fairley from Monash University will be arguing his case in a debate with Professor...

Gonorrhoea: Drug Resistance in Australia


Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations (AFAO), 26 June 2018 There has long been concern globally about the potential emergence of drug resistant STIs. In response, the World Health Organisation released new treatment guidelines for three common STIs – chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis – in 2016. At present, strains resistant to first line treatment of syphilis and chlamydia are not common...

Can you get gonorrhoea from kissing?


ABC Radio (Hack), 8th November 2017 In a troubling development, Melbourne researchers suspect gonorrhoea is being spread by kissing, overturning years of conventional wisdom. Although it’s early days and not cause for alarm, there is evidence to suggest ‘throat-to-throat transmission’ may be driving the spread of gonorrhea in inner-city Australia. It’s been generally...

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