Australian Institute of Family Studies. CFCA Paper No. 54 – March 2020 This paper explores the prevalence and presentation of client violence towards workers, considering any violent or aggressive behaviour from clients, direct associates of clients, and friends or family members of clients. It compares current research on client violence towards workers to official data reports, and considers...
Calls for segregated mental health wards to reduce sexual assault risk
ABC (Katherine Gregory on AM), February 2020 Sexual violence against women in mental health wards is going unchecked, despite service providers’ awareness of the problem. A new report has found women in Victorian mental health wards are vulnerable to sexual assault, harassment and violence from male patients and staff. It’s calling for stricter separation of male and female patients...
It’s hard to think about, but frail older women in nursing homes get sexually abused too
The Conversation, November 22, 2018 6.02am AEDT We don’t often think of older women being victims of sexual assault, but such assaults occur in many settings and circumstances, including in nursing homes. Our research, published this week in the journal Legal Medicine, analysed 28 forensic medical examinations of female nursing home residents who had allegedly been victims of sexual assault in...
Still places left in Foundations of LGBTI Inclusion half-day training
SHINE SA, 25/01/2018 Creating and sustaining a workplace that values and celebrates sexual and gender diversity has far reaching benefits for all of the stakeholders in your organisation. By providing a culture of safety and respect for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) employees, clients or other stakeholders, your organisation as a whole will benefit from a culture...
Why Inclusion and Diversity Matter – SHINE SA’s new video & training options
SHINE SA, August 2017 Increasing your organisation’s inclusivity and recognition of diversity will benefit employees, clients, stakeholders and your organisational culture as a whole. Watch SHINE SA’s new video below to find out more about how LGBTIQ inclusion benefits your organisation and creates more productive, engaged and positive employees. SHINE SA offers several training options, so you...