The Conversation, February 19, 2018 6.14am AEDT By Elisabeth Gasparini, Manager of Nutrition and Food Services, The Royal Women’s Hospital Current treatments for endometriosis, such as surgery and contraceptive pills, can be invasive or cause unpleasant side effects. So, the internet is awash with advice for alternative treatments, including acupuncture and dietary changes. Some women claim...
Imprisoned without offence: the pain-filled, asexual world of genitally-mutilated women
The Cable (Nigeria), November 09, 2015 Sunday Salawa may never have sat in a classroom or profited from any formal form of learning. She may not even know the English expression for an act she describes in Yoruba as didabe f’omobinrin, but she does know it is dangerous. She didn’t have to be told by staff or consultants of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – one of the UN agencies...
Sexual problems equally common after C-section and vaginal birth
Reuters, Fri Mar 6, 2015 1:50pm EST
After giving birth, women often struggle with reduced sexual desire and arousal, but how they delivered – by caesarean or vaginally – is not to blame, a small study suggests.
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Link found between pain during or after sexual intercourse and mode of [baby] delivery
Eureka Alert, 21-Jan-2015
Operative birth is associated with persisting pain during or after sexual intercourse, known as dyspareunia, suggests a new study published today (21 January) in BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (BJOG).
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Getting on and getting it on: good sex isn’t just for the young
The Conversation, 30 September 2014, 5.18am AEST
A longitudinal study from earlier this year challenges the idea that sex is only for young people, as well as raising questions about the biomedical model that underpins the idea.
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