ASHM, February 2023 The Syphilis decision making tool is a quick reference resource for primary care professionals to support their day-to-day practice. The tool provides clear steps to assess and provide clinical care and advice on screening, testing and treatment of syphilis. For further information, refer to the Australian STI Management Guidelines for Use in Primary Care. Open interactive...
STI/BBV testing tool for asymptomatic people
NSW STI Programs Unit, ASHM & Qld. Govt., 2019
This resource has charts and information about how routine STI/BBV testing can be offered, who to, and how to follow up.
Developed by NSW STI Programs Unit, NSW Australia, and reproduced with permission by the Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service, ASHM and Communicable Diseases Branch.
Download PDF here: sti-bbv-testing-tool
Indigenous Risk Impact Screen Training – Upcoming Dates
Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia (DASSA), August 2018 DASSA’s Aboriginal Workforce Development team would like to invite you to attend the 2-day Indigenous Risk Impact Screen training workshop. The Indigenous Risk Impact Screen is a validated culturally appropriate and widely used tool for screening substance use and mental disorders in Aboriginal clients. It has been developed in...