
Factors associated with syphilis seroprevalence in women with and at-risk for HIV infection…


Aaron KJ, Brill I, Causey-Pruitt Z, et al Factors associated with syphilis seroprevalence in women with and at-risk for HIV infection in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (1994–2015) Sexually Transmitted Infections 2022;98:4-10. Abstract: Objective – Syphilis rates among women in the USA more than doubled between 2014 and 2018. We sought to identify correlates of syphilis among women...

Understanding Migrant Sex Workers: Factsheet


Butterfly (Asian and Migrant Sex Workers Support Network, Canada ), August 2018 This 8-page factsheet is produced by Butterfly, a organisation formed in Canada by sex workers, social workers, legal and health professionals in 2014. It provides support to, and advocates for, the rights of Asian and migrant sex workers. The organization is founded upon the belief that sex workers are entitled to...

Protecting LGBTIQ+ voices online


The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety), August 2021 This research explores how people who identify as LGBTIQ+ are affected by adult cyber abuse and online lateral abuse (abuse between members within a community). The findings are based on group discussions with relevant community service providers and advocacy organisations, plus interviews with LGBTIQ+ adults. It can be difficult for people who...

Challenging myths about culture and violence in migrant and refugee communities


Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH), June 2021 The Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health has developed a resource called “Challenging Myths about Culture and Violence in Migrant and Refugee Communities”. It aims to challenge some of the negative ways that migrant and refugee communities are framed in discussions about violence against women. Challenging myths is intended...

Community-Led Research: Walking New Pathways Together (Aboriginal focus)


 Sydney University, Edited by Victoria Rawlings, James Flexner and Lynette Riley, 2021 The concept of Community-Led Research has taken off in recent years in a variety of fields, from archaeology and anthropology to social work and everything in between. Drawing on case studies from Australia and the Pacific, this open access e-book considers what it means to participate in Community-Led...

Position statement on Autistic-LGBTIQA+ identity


Reframing Autism, June 17th 2021; Written by Sam Rose with Melanie Heyworth In recent years, it has become widely accepted that there is a considerable overlap between the Autistic and the LGBTIQA+ communities. However, a corresponding effort to support the Autistic-LGBTIQA+ community has not been forthcoming, and there is a striking lack of resource allocation, acceptance, and support for this...

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